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Behavior-Based Goals is a 22-page, 6100-word guide that teaches people how to focus on their behavior so they can reach their goals quicker and more efficiently.


What Are Behavior-Based Goals?


  • Reaching your goals requires more than simply setting an end point
  • Behavior-based goal setting is about doing the things that need to be done, on a daily basis, that keep you moving towards the end points that you have chosen
  • In order to understand behavior-based goals, we first have to understand the reason that we set goals for ourselves in the first place
  • One reason we set goals and make plans is because we are aware of change in the world around us
  • All the changes that we experience are, from our perspective, due to the passage of time
  • We understand that, as human beings, we have a finite amount of time available to us
  • Like everything, we will break down and be broken down in the end
  • The process of entropy guarantees this result
  • Therefore, while we set goals and make plans because we are aware that the clocks of our lives are ticking, all we really have to work with is today
  • Behavior-based goal setting recognizes this fact
  • Behavior-based goals are not about dreaming and wishing, they are about doing the work that needs to be done in order to summit
  • One of the ways to ensure that you’re setting behavior-based goals is by using the SMART system

Behavior vs. Results


  • Everyone wants results
  • Unfortunately, many people want immediate results without doing the work that’s necessary to achieve those results
  • It’s an evolutionary fact that we will take the easy road to a reward if one is available
  • However, the majority of the time there is no easy way to get desired results
  • This difficulty does not stop people from desiring those results
  • They simply choose to ignore the necessary work
  • This fact often means that the desired results remain unachieved
  • Behavior-based goals do not focus on the end result
  • Instead, they focus on the intermediate steps that need to be taken in order to be successful
  • They are more about the incremental elements of a process than the big picture
  • When you change your behaviors, develop new behaviors then, in time, you will reach your overall goal
  • Behavior-based goals utilize a SMART philosophy which includes:
    • Setting specific smaller goals that contribute to the overall result;
    • Making sure that goals are measurable so that motivation continues;
    • Ensuring that goals are achievable, so that time and effort aren’t wasted;
    • Examining whether goals are realistic so that talent and ability are properly aligned with what is being attempted; and
    • Using time-bound goals to keep forward momentum going and avoiding procrastination.


Tips and Best Practices


  • Utilize Mentors
  • See Your Path
  • Believe In Yourself
  • Absorb Everything


What is included


  • 22-page, 6100-word guide
  • 2 x Ebook Reports
  • Audio Book
  • Slide Deck
  • Quick reference printable infographic

Behavior-Based Goals

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