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How to Confidently Accept Criticism


Confident people have thicker skin than most. They receive criticism, but it doesn't keep them from seeing themselves positively. They accept criticism because they understand it can help them grow. They identify negative and intentionally harmful critics as unimportant and immediately disregard their input.


You can accept and even look forward to criticism as a source of personal growth in a few ways. Here are three methods for confidently accepting criticism to retain a self-assured and healthy self-image.


Differentiate between Constructive and Harmful Criticism


Some people will criticize you with the intent to cause damage. They might be jealous of your success; if you fail, they will tell you about it. This isn't the type of criticism you should embrace. If it comes from someone you care about, thank them for their input and remove yourself from the situation.


Harmful criticism is sometimes unintentional. Someone might remark about one of your mistakes or something you did improperly. They might think they are helping you by highlighting a physical characteristic or habit. If all they do is point to negatives without offering favorable resolutions or advice, you must let their opinions fall on deaf ears.


Constructive criticism can help you become a better person. Confident people accept this type of critical feedback. So the next time you believe someone is criticizing you, unfairly or not, if you would objectively. Step out of who you are and ask yourself if this is information that can help you grow in some way. It could be. Maybe it isn't. In either case, develop a strong belief that you will act in the future without worrying about the negative, hurtful opinions of others.


Seek Criticism from Your Role Models


Seek feedback from people you respect. Let them know you value their opinion and are trying to create positive change in some aspect of your life. If someone is thriving in a way you would like to emulate, their criticism can speed up your path to success. You are confident that their advice is relevant to your issue and can soothe the sting of criticism that might be difficult to accept.


Fight Your Knee-Jerk Response


Criticism can be seen as a threat to your survival instinct. This dates back to the earliest humans, who had to view many things as threats to their survival. There still exists in modern humans a knee-jerk response to anything critical. Think before you react. Look at your initial thoughts as potentially incorrect. Choose to react confidently and rationally rather than with your emotions.


These are a few proven ways to experience criticism positively. You turn to what you may initially view as an attack into a chance to grow. After reacting to criticism in these ways, your self-respect and self-esteem boost. That improves your confidence and makes it easier to handle criticism in the future.





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